
Monday, April 22, 2013

What I Plan To Accomplish This Summer(And What I Don't)♥

Happiness is a form of courage... Before I begin telling you what I plan to do this summer, I just want to say thanks to everyone who made this semester a blessed one, and to the friends I am going to lose because I no longer need you in my life.

Also before beginning anything else, I want to write a blurb about my very best friend Geniveve. Today (4/22) is her 13th bday. Please feel free to wish her a happy one on her Facebook or Twitter.

Enjoy some pictures from of Geniveve through the year:

This past Saturday, we celebrated Geniveve's bday. I bought Geniveve a dog birthday cake that she shared with Hazel and Katrina. As her gifts, I got Geni peanut butter cookies and Mom got her pupcorn. I also made sure Katrina and Hazel didn't feel left out and got them cookies as well.

Here's some pictures from the party:
 The beautiful birthday girl♥
 Then each dog got a picture with Geni:
 Katrina and Geniveve♥

Hazel and Geniveve♥

All three dogs finally sat for a picture together with Jayde♥

My best friend and I♥

 Me and my sisters♥

Things I plan to do this summer, and those I don't:
1. Overdose on Pepto-bismal and Tums.  Instead, I plan to watch Ellen every day this summer. (I already missed it today). Ellen Degenerees although openly gay is one of the funniest people to ever live and is truly a joy to be around and watch simply because she lives with a kind and generous heart shown through her show's slogan: Laugh, Dance, Smile.♥

2.Overdose on Motion Sickness pills  Instead, I plan to read forty new books. Currently I'm reading What The Bible Says About Love, Marriage, and Sex by David Jeremiah. Overall, I'm really enjoying it because you can never know enough about those three subjects. Next I plan to read Lauren Conrad's Fame Game.

3. Not get anything accomplished Instead, I plan to work all seventeen weeks on my narrative nonfiction novel, One Last Breath. So far, it is coming along great. I'm really learning a lot and I can tell my writing has matured greatly.

4. Shut everyone out  Instead, I plan to blog more on every day topics. For example, I plan to do a blog all about having great hair. Stay tuned for that.♥

5. Be depressed because of what I don't have Instead I plan to be more thankful just to be alive, concentrate on Jesus, and operate in His grace. 

Overall, I feel like this summer will be my best yet because I plan to be the best me I can be this summer. Get back to learning to cook and bake, relearn spanish, and write and read until my heart bursts at the seams♥

Before I leave you with a final thought, I want to congratulate Nyjah Houston, Sean Malto, and Torey Pudwill for being the Top 3 winners of the Street League X-Games Brazil♥

Until next time, The men who succeed are the efficient few. They are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves.-Robert Burton♥

Here's some outtakes from the pictures from Geni's bday party: (Have a laugh)

Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~

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