Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 14: Describe the last moment you felt really, truly blissful (End of Year Blog)

Happiness is a form of courage... It's officially the end of 2014 and this year I decided to do something different than last. This blog topic seemed fitting for the end of the year that's why I've waited till now to post it. 

Speaking of Bliss, Christmas has come and gone and in my house as always chaos ensued. Mostly because everyone but Jayde and my Dad were sick with the flu♥ (Haha, that rhymed). Yet, I'll get to that in a minute.

Facebook every year highlights some of your pictures you've uploaded throughout the year. So without further ado, here are some of my most blissful moments I had throughout 2014:

First, in January, my favorite band Hot Chelle Rae followed me on Twitter♥

Next, in February, we saw Jason Derulo in concert♥

Next, in March, we spent Spring Break on the beach♥

I was chosen to be part of a PR effort for Mandy Hale's second book launch, Never Been To Vegas, which is now a #NewYorkTimesBestseller♥

And took family pictures in honor of Jayde graduating high school♥

Furthermore, in April, Jason Derulo replied to me on Twitter♥

And I celebrated leaving my job at the Cannon Memorial Library after four years♥

In May, my sister graduated high school♥

And we had an alternative prom/ girl's weekend on Clearwater Beach♥

In June, we had our family vacation on Maderia Beach♥

Then, we saw Hot Chelle Rae in concert (for the second time) at Busch Gardens♥

In August, I celebrated my 23rd birthday and got the sweetest gift from my youngest sis♥

And we went bowling as a family♥

In September, we went to Night of Joy at Walt Disney World♥

In November, we were thankful for all of our blessings this year♥

In December, I finished my undergraduate classes with grades like these, and got an internship for next semester♥

And then enjoyed Christmas because I ended up being able to pay off my SLU debt, the money I owed my parents, and had enough left over for Christmas gifts.♥ #Godisgood

Spent the day at Busch Gardens with my parents♥

 Merry Christmas from my family to yours♥

 The dogs made out like bandits and Santa spoiled them.♥

 Katrina got a new holiday dress.♥

Yet, my most blissful moment this year wasn't even included in "My Year" on Facebook. It was a moment that God blessed me by bringing one of the secret desires of my heart to fruition. Do you know what it was? I'll give you three guesses. Go!


The last moment I felt really, truly blissful was:

when I got to meet my #MCM and the lead singer of my favorite band, Hot Chelle Rae, Ryan Follese'♥

That's it. Hope your year was as good as mine. :)

Until next time, remember:
Be thankful for you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough. -Oprah Winfrey♥

Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 13: .The friends I'm truly grateful for in my life RIGHT NOW

Happiness is a form of courage...Describe how you met the last person you texted and talk about your friendship/relationship. This was the original topic but I'm sorry. I'm re-writing that too.

1. Geniveve 
2. Hazel 
3. Katrina
4. My mom, Karen


Fangirling after she met Ryan! lol.
From the moment this dog came into my life, I've truly found it easier to find the light even during the darkest toughest times in my life so far. I believe she is my soulmate. From supporting Ryan Sheckler together to saving my life on August 11, 2012, I am so grateful to call this dog my best friend. Now I couldn't be happier to help her when she needs help now that she has cataracts and has trouble getting around. Yet, one thing Geniveve has taught me is whether life is going good or not so good, you should dance because life is for the living.♥


From the moment this dog came into my life on June 26, 2012, my life has become better. She's such a goofy girl and I love how much she enjoys making people smile. Meanwhile, the things that make her smile most are playing, food, and Justin Bieber. She's my sweet Bambi sometimes; my crazy ginger snap other times. So glad we decided to keep you♥


This little "Nugget" came to us on accident but see, I believe that there are no such thing as accidents. Ever since, she's been my dear little friend who loves Demi Lovato, watching skateboarding and to study the Bible. She's extra cute when she does her little Tootsie Roll dance. There truly is nothing in the world like a "Nug Hug."

Karen (Mom)♥

She's my best friend and mom. Not many people get to say that. Not only are our birthdays ten days apart, but whenever I'm hurting, she hurts. Whenever we laugh, we laugh together. I just always have a good time with her because I get to be myself. So so thankful to have her in my life since she basically does everything I can't do (literally). Thanks for always killing the bugs, catching the frogs, and reminding me how much you believe in me when I can't seem to believe in myself. Love you! Let's go out for drinks again soon!

So so thankful for all the friends in my life. ♥

Until next time, remember: We are all just works in progress- Mary J. Blige
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~ 
