Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Writer Wednesday: Happy 15th Birthday Geniveve!

For the past two days, I've been watching recorded tv. What I mean by that is I've been cleaning out my DVR because we were due for a new one. The guy just finished installing it as I type this, and I no longer have to be a daily couch potato.

Today, I write you regarding a very special occasion. My best friend and dog Geniveve turns 15 today! In case you've never met Geniveve, she's a black lab chow mix that I've had since before I turned ten. And we quickly became best friends. Around the time we got her, I was obsessed with the movie Madeline and decided Geniveve would be a perfect fit for my first pet.

Over these past fifteen years, Geni's done things all dogs do: go for walks, visit the beach, enjoy belly rubs and fangirl over food.

Yet, what makes Geniveve so extraordinary is the life she's lead:
She modeled for Ryan Sheckler's charity

Starred in a creative ad for Ryan's charity that won a contest: Just Call Me The Godmother

You can view other videos of Geniveve and fangirl over them all you want on my Youtube channel,
Make sure to watch the videos of her dancing since her hips really do not lie. :)

Shortly after the video was shot, I had spent two years telling her one day she would get the chance to meet Ryan Sheckler, the myth, the man, and the legend. 

And she did:

Then she smiled so big afterward because I mean, who wouldn't?!

I've always been happy to stand back while Geniveve took the spotlight because Geni was always there for me, especially when it counted most like when boys would break my heart, friends would leave me out, my family didn't understand me, or August 11, 2012, when I woke up and couldn't breathe.

Over the years, Geniveve has lost perfect sight in her eyes because she developed cataracts from her love of sunbathing, and I've had to help her get around more, and sometimes that requires patience but for me, I don't mind at all. After all she's helped me through and been by my side for, she definitely deserves the utmost respect and as much patience from me as she needs.

Today we celebrate you and your beautiful light, Geniveve. Here's to many more. Keep bringing sexy back girl. I love you so much!

Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~


  1. Geniveve's such a cutie! I can't imagine life without dogs so I understand your sentiments. :)

    Happy birthday to your girl. :)

    1. Thank you Lux! And Geniveve would like to thank you as well. Dogs are the bomb dot com.


Thanks for reading/caring!
