No, I didn't have surgery today. How dare you think that?!
I let God's words transform my heart. I'm spending the next 363 days of this year immersing in Jesus Christ and God's word♥
My new year's resolution is to focus on family, friends, and school and not worry about love. God will give me to someone else when the time is right and I KNOW the time isn't right.♥
I'm also doing Project 365. Here's what I've done thus far in 2011:

Michael Cera day. Hey, a girl can dream♥

Today, I also worked out for about an hour by dancing, doing pilates, and doing backwards pushups and lifting weights. I feel so good.
Before I tell you about my goals for 2011, you all should know my bestest friend Geniveve has a boyfriend and I couldn't be happier for her. It's proof that love is possible no matter your age♥
Goals for 2011:
1. Write every day
2. Get my driver's license
3. Buy a car
4. Publish my third novel with a National Publisher
5. Make the NY Times Bestseller List
6. Have adventures
7. Be Cheerful
8. Bless others
9. Donate $100 dollars in book profits to charities
10. Give all the glory and honor to Jesus Christ♥
Until next time, 2011 is the year of the Victorious!
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~