The Five Love Languages are as follows:
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch
I found that my love language is quality time which includes quality conversation. You can figure out your love language by what you complain about most that people neglect to give you. For example, maybe your love language is words of affirmation. If you feel unloved because the people you love don't give you encouraging words, that is your love language. Since my love language is quality time, I enjoy most when people make time for me. When I don't see an effort being made in terms of spending time with me, I feel unloved by that person. For example, my friend Mike invited me to do waitlist for a recent Muvico trip. We saw Pitch Perfect.
This past week, my roommates and I went to see Pitch Perfect.
Besides spending time with me, I enjoy quality conversation. As Dr. Chapman defines it, it is conversation where there is equal sharing about one another and no attention is given to anything else. Basically, it's deep conversation. If you want to learn more about your love language, I recommend you read The 5 Love Languages by Eric Chapman. In terms of love, God has helped me remain patient regarding finding love. He has another ingredient on its way to me. Until then, he constantly reminds me how much he loves me by showing me hearts in all my food.

It's really eye-opening to see how cheerful of a person she is despite having this disease.
Until next time,

Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~