My life has become a realistic fiction novel... Fo rizzle, son.
Well, I was all set to attend Ryan Sheckler's Skate For A Cause event until my friend backed out and I couldn't find a replacement.
Then, I was forced to postpone my trip because my grandpa passed away this past Monday! :( Yet, I know he is with Jesus now and will no longer have to suffer to breathe.
So, Wednesday came and I was pretty depressed the whole day thinking I should be on a plane to Cali to see my fave skater. I got through the day by reading my bible, lots of prayer, and my dad brought home Twix bars. One thing I do when I am having a rough day is listen to Eminem's "Mockingbird." It's a very depressing song but it humbles me to remember that while I may be having a bad day, there are people out in the world who are without a home, food, water, etc. It really forces you to hold your head up despite your circumstances and thank God for being blessed!
Wednesday night, I added any song ever written about California (No, not California Girls) to my Ipod and listened to them for most of Thursday. :D
I then checked out a travel guide to California from the library and looked at that. I also checked out a book on Italy and a book teaching you how to speak Italian so I could prepare for my Italy excursion in November. :)
Stoked for this weekend, too! Friday, my mom and I go to see the Broadway musical Chicago live at Ruth Eckerd Hall. It's my fave musical and I've always dreamed of being on Broadway so it will be inspiring to finally see it live. :D
Then, Saturday I plan to go to the movies to see Marmaduke and Killers.
On a different note, My love for him needs no more opinions of the flesh. If you cannot say anything to love and support me, say nothing. I love him no matter if he loves me back. ♥ Just had to put that out there!
Until next time, with faith must come patience and remember,
"Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10 ♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
I wear a disguise; I'm just your average Jane Super doesn't stand for model but that doesn't mean I'm plain. The pen is mightier than the sword. Witty Writer Poet Chelsea DeVries
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Ten Things I Learned As a Freshman at Saint Leo University
Teenage Author stuck in Reality... Well, I probably learned more than ten things but they have escaped my eighteen year old memory at time of posting so therefore we will leave it at ten! :P
Number 1: You will need to take out a loan...for just your books alone.
First semester, I spent over three hundred dollars on my textbooks that I mostly purchased from my campus bookstore, who claim that they will buyback your books for 50% purchasing price. LIES, I tell you. The fine print on that claim says the following: IF WE DECIDE WE ARE GETTING NEW EDITIONS, THEN YOU CANNOT SELL BACK YOUR BOOKS TO US. Therfore, second semester I smartened up and took advantage of a life-saving site called I saved about two hundred plus dollars and for every dollar spent renting books on Chegg, they plant a tree wherever you choose. Plus, shipping the books back to them is absolutely free. :D
Number 2: Shower Shoes are a MUST.
You would think living in the same building with other girls and ruling boys out would mean a clean facility. You would be wrong. Most girls that I lived with were in fact slobs. I won't mention what most of them left in the shower. It's too gross to speak of.
Number 3: Take advantage of your Unlimited meal plan.
First semester, I cashed many bonds just to pay for my groceries and most of the things I bought were snacks to have in my room because munchies hit at anytime when your in college. I mean, it could it be 3 am and you suddenly want a Subway footlong( I mainly mention it because I am craving one now). So, second semester, I saved lots of money by hoarding cookies from the cafeteria when I went to lunch and saving them for late at night. When you're in college, saving money means so much more to you!
Number 4: Dorm decor can and will get expensive.
Especially when you suddenly have a whole dorm room to yourself, which was what happened in my case. I had wanted to cover both of the prison-like walls with posters and was going to spend fifty plus dollars on posters of celebrities who aren't gonna help me get through college at all. So, then I had a revelation. I could blow up pictures of my favorite skater or my family aka the people who support me and my college journey and hang them up. Photo posters at my local Wal-mart only cost 7.50* a piece. *price includes tax. On those long nights when I felt like quitting, I just looked up to see Geniveve's beautiful face or into the eyes of my hero and friend, Ryan Sheckler and knew they wouldn't want me to give up. Surround yourself with positive and that is what your life will become. :)
Number 5: Take advantage of work on campus like Work Study.
I found the perfect job on campus, but not until the last month of school. I work at my campus library. I found out why they call it work study too. I was getting paid to work for the library, and in the process I was studying and doing homework. It seriously is the perfect job and I am so blessed to have gotten it.
Number 6: Use the library
Instead of investing in a wireless printer, take advantage of the library. Printing is free and they have coffee plus the walk to the library will get you out of your dorm and give you a little exercise and fresh air, both of which are beneficial to a hard-working college student. :)
Number 7: Make friends with a car.
No, no. What I meant was make friends with someone who has a car. Now, I know you're thinking you mean use them for their car. Wrong. Actually, make friends with someone and then two weeks into the friendship they may mention they have a working vehicle, at which time you should set out to make them your best friend. Haha. No. Make friends for them and see their car as an added friendship bonus. :)
Number 8: If you don't understand the material, get help.
You would think since I decided to attend Saint Leo I would have taken advantage of the fact that professors are open to helping you get better grades. No, I did not. Nor did I take advantage of the free tutoring in the LRC or Learning Resource Center. It will be one of my main goals this fall and next spring, for sure. :) I really want to make the dean's list.
Number 9: People are fickle
Going to college, I was convinced that people would act mature and the guys would be grown up and ready to act like men. I was completely wrong. Most of the girls I met were catty and easily jealous, and just like in high school were bftf(best friends to face). It was very upsetting and I was deep in prayer most of first semester because I was convinced Saint Leo was the devil's melting pot. I am still pretty sure it is, but God prevailed and second semester, I was blessed with true friends that supported me as a writer and with the guys I liked. Oh, speaking of guys. The guys at Saint Leo are Dateable. Meaning you are able to date them once and then that's it. Most of them still act like little boys( meaning the L word is death to them and such) so they are not yet able to have a committed relationship. Your best way to succeed in college is to look but don't touch. Getting that diploma and establishing yourself in your career is more important because once you do that, love will follow. Now I'm not saying you can't find love in college, some people do. Love will find you when your time is right, but sometimes it needs a little push or an address to get to where you are. :)
Number Ten: Study!
I didn't study for a lot of my tests and it showed in the grades I got. I didn't study because like a typical freshman, I saw college as a new social experience first then an academic experience. Flip those around and you will surely succeed in college!
I wish all incoming college freshman the best of luck whether you attend Saint Leo or what have you. :)
Lastly, I have a note for Saint Leo:
Dear Saint Leo,
I miss you dearly(mostly for your fortune cookie fortunes) but you will never compete with my mother's cooking.
Your loyal student,
Chelsea Lynn♥
Love Times Infinity,
May God Bless You!
~Just Keep Swimming~
Number 1: You will need to take out a loan...for just your books alone.
First semester, I spent over three hundred dollars on my textbooks that I mostly purchased from my campus bookstore, who claim that they will buyback your books for 50% purchasing price. LIES, I tell you. The fine print on that claim says the following: IF WE DECIDE WE ARE GETTING NEW EDITIONS, THEN YOU CANNOT SELL BACK YOUR BOOKS TO US. Therfore, second semester I smartened up and took advantage of a life-saving site called I saved about two hundred plus dollars and for every dollar spent renting books on Chegg, they plant a tree wherever you choose. Plus, shipping the books back to them is absolutely free. :D
Number 2: Shower Shoes are a MUST.
You would think living in the same building with other girls and ruling boys out would mean a clean facility. You would be wrong. Most girls that I lived with were in fact slobs. I won't mention what most of them left in the shower. It's too gross to speak of.
Number 3: Take advantage of your Unlimited meal plan.
First semester, I cashed many bonds just to pay for my groceries and most of the things I bought were snacks to have in my room because munchies hit at anytime when your in college. I mean, it could it be 3 am and you suddenly want a Subway footlong( I mainly mention it because I am craving one now). So, second semester, I saved lots of money by hoarding cookies from the cafeteria when I went to lunch and saving them for late at night. When you're in college, saving money means so much more to you!
Number 4: Dorm decor can and will get expensive.
Especially when you suddenly have a whole dorm room to yourself, which was what happened in my case. I had wanted to cover both of the prison-like walls with posters and was going to spend fifty plus dollars on posters of celebrities who aren't gonna help me get through college at all. So, then I had a revelation. I could blow up pictures of my favorite skater or my family aka the people who support me and my college journey and hang them up. Photo posters at my local Wal-mart only cost 7.50* a piece. *price includes tax. On those long nights when I felt like quitting, I just looked up to see Geniveve's beautiful face or into the eyes of my hero and friend, Ryan Sheckler and knew they wouldn't want me to give up. Surround yourself with positive and that is what your life will become. :)
Number 5: Take advantage of work on campus like Work Study.
I found the perfect job on campus, but not until the last month of school. I work at my campus library. I found out why they call it work study too. I was getting paid to work for the library, and in the process I was studying and doing homework. It seriously is the perfect job and I am so blessed to have gotten it.
Number 6: Use the library
Instead of investing in a wireless printer, take advantage of the library. Printing is free and they have coffee plus the walk to the library will get you out of your dorm and give you a little exercise and fresh air, both of which are beneficial to a hard-working college student. :)
Number 7: Make friends with a car.
No, no. What I meant was make friends with someone who has a car. Now, I know you're thinking you mean use them for their car. Wrong. Actually, make friends with someone and then two weeks into the friendship they may mention they have a working vehicle, at which time you should set out to make them your best friend. Haha. No. Make friends for them and see their car as an added friendship bonus. :)
Number 8: If you don't understand the material, get help.
You would think since I decided to attend Saint Leo I would have taken advantage of the fact that professors are open to helping you get better grades. No, I did not. Nor did I take advantage of the free tutoring in the LRC or Learning Resource Center. It will be one of my main goals this fall and next spring, for sure. :) I really want to make the dean's list.
Number 9: People are fickle
Going to college, I was convinced that people would act mature and the guys would be grown up and ready to act like men. I was completely wrong. Most of the girls I met were catty and easily jealous, and just like in high school were bftf(best friends to face). It was very upsetting and I was deep in prayer most of first semester because I was convinced Saint Leo was the devil's melting pot. I am still pretty sure it is, but God prevailed and second semester, I was blessed with true friends that supported me as a writer and with the guys I liked. Oh, speaking of guys. The guys at Saint Leo are Dateable. Meaning you are able to date them once and then that's it. Most of them still act like little boys( meaning the L word is death to them and such) so they are not yet able to have a committed relationship. Your best way to succeed in college is to look but don't touch. Getting that diploma and establishing yourself in your career is more important because once you do that, love will follow. Now I'm not saying you can't find love in college, some people do. Love will find you when your time is right, but sometimes it needs a little push or an address to get to where you are. :)
Number Ten: Study!
I didn't study for a lot of my tests and it showed in the grades I got. I didn't study because like a typical freshman, I saw college as a new social experience first then an academic experience. Flip those around and you will surely succeed in college!
I wish all incoming college freshman the best of luck whether you attend Saint Leo or what have you. :)
Lastly, I have a note for Saint Leo:
Dear Saint Leo,
I miss you dearly(mostly for your fortune cookie fortunes) but you will never compete with my mother's cooking.
Your loyal student,
Chelsea Lynn♥
Love Times Infinity,
May God Bless You!
~Just Keep Swimming~
Sunday, May 2, 2010
What Time Is It?!
Teenage Author stuck in Reality...Summertime, it's my vacation.
Haha. Vacation. Boy, would I love one of those. :)
So, finished up my freshman year of college! I will be blogging about the ten things I learned sometime this week. :)
So, Wednesday when I got home I spent most of the day unpacking. I mean, I never knew how much shit er I mean stuff I have until I move into a new place.
Anywho, then I woke up on Thursday at 7 am and my best friend started dancing in celebration. :P It was THE cutest thing ever and sweetest. After my bestie finished dancing I went back to sleep and had the best dream. :D ♥
So, I spent the day working on my third novel. I'm so excited for this one to be published. It's the best yet because some genius birdie named Cindy gave me a great idea for it. :)
Friday, I watched Beauty and The Briefcase starring Hilary Duff. It was the greatest ABC Family movie I've seen in a while. It was the perfect movie for me. The main character that Hilary Duff played was a writer looking for love. Sound familiar? Yup. I know what you're thinking. Story of my life.
Anywho, then my mom and I went grocery shopping at the lovely boutique: Le Walmarte. :P
I got a new tank top and yet another pair of sneakers. I would have bought a pair of flats too but my mom got me out of there before I let my addiction overcome my self control. :)
After two weeks of not having a computer, my parents bought a laptop so my sisters didn't have to bum off my Saint Leo issued laptop. Thank God for that blessing.
Yesterday, I went to the movies with my mom and sisters and saw Death At a Funeral. It was funny but the story line was the same as another movie we rented about two years ago called, wait for it, Death at A Funeral.
Then, we went to Ruth Eckerd Hall and bought tickets for Chicago but sadly my parents decided we weren't going to see Jonny Lang :( so I've made up my mind that I HAVE to get my license this summer. No backing out.
Then, we ate lunch at Taco Bell and visited the Big Busch aka Busch Gardens to see Christian artist Matthew West in concert w/ special guests Johnny Diaz and Brandon Heath.
Here's us at the concert:

Here's me and my sis Jayde:

How we be lookin'?! :P

Came home and for dinner we had Pizza Hut pizza.
Looking forward to this week, I start my online class.
Until next time, be after a life full of laughter♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
Haha. Vacation. Boy, would I love one of those. :)
So, finished up my freshman year of college! I will be blogging about the ten things I learned sometime this week. :)
So, Wednesday when I got home I spent most of the day unpacking. I mean, I never knew how much shit er I mean stuff I have until I move into a new place.
Anywho, then I woke up on Thursday at 7 am and my best friend started dancing in celebration. :P It was THE cutest thing ever and sweetest. After my bestie finished dancing I went back to sleep and had the best dream. :D ♥
So, I spent the day working on my third novel. I'm so excited for this one to be published. It's the best yet because some genius birdie named Cindy gave me a great idea for it. :)
Friday, I watched Beauty and The Briefcase starring Hilary Duff. It was the greatest ABC Family movie I've seen in a while. It was the perfect movie for me. The main character that Hilary Duff played was a writer looking for love. Sound familiar? Yup. I know what you're thinking. Story of my life.
Anywho, then my mom and I went grocery shopping at the lovely boutique: Le Walmarte. :P
I got a new tank top and yet another pair of sneakers. I would have bought a pair of flats too but my mom got me out of there before I let my addiction overcome my self control. :)
After two weeks of not having a computer, my parents bought a laptop so my sisters didn't have to bum off my Saint Leo issued laptop. Thank God for that blessing.
Yesterday, I went to the movies with my mom and sisters and saw Death At a Funeral. It was funny but the story line was the same as another movie we rented about two years ago called, wait for it, Death at A Funeral.
Then, we went to Ruth Eckerd Hall and bought tickets for Chicago but sadly my parents decided we weren't going to see Jonny Lang :( so I've made up my mind that I HAVE to get my license this summer. No backing out.
Then, we ate lunch at Taco Bell and visited the Big Busch aka Busch Gardens to see Christian artist Matthew West in concert w/ special guests Johnny Diaz and Brandon Heath.
Here's us at the concert:
Here's me and my sis Jayde:
How we be lookin'?! :P
Came home and for dinner we had Pizza Hut pizza.
Looking forward to this week, I start my online class.
Until next time, be after a life full of laughter♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
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