God's will is not mysterious and unknown. He's not a God of guessing; he's a God of knowledge and love, and his will is written in the Bible and he can tell you his will for you directly if you are still and know that he is God. (Psalm 46:10).
All my life, my life alone, has served as an example that God has written my life story because the way it reads so far is far greater than anything I could ever write myself.
Recently Susane Colasanti, my favorite YA author, had a Q & A interview through Twitter and when you asked Susane a question, you were entered to win an ARC of her newest book, SO MUCH CLOSER, signed by Susane herself.
So I entered on a whim and asked Susane if she had any love advice. You know me, all for love and romance♥
She didn't get to answer my question but the next day when I logged onto Twitter, Susane had tweeted my name along with five others as the winners of the signed ARCs.
I was freaking out! Ask my mom if you get the chance.
The reason I was so ecstatic was first because I admire Susane a lot. She's a Jersey girl just like my mom, and she's living the dream that I have for myself. One day I hope to go on a book tour with her. I just know it would be SO MUCH fun. :)
The second reason I was so ecstatic was because Susane's publisher, Penguin picked me as a winner. Penguin is my dream publisher. I focus on reading all the books they publish because if I want to be published by them, I have to have an idea of what they publish.
As you know, I'm still working on my third novel and I guess you can say, I'm getting it Penguin-fied. LOL.
Therefore, I believe by me winning this contest on a whim and being chosen by Penguin as one of the winners, God's will has been set in motion regarding me being nationally published.
Until next time, remember: With God ALL THINGS are Possible (Matthew 19:26)♥

Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
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