With all that I've been trying to deal with on my own, I needed some time spent with the two people that keep me grounded: Jesus and my family♥
Off we went to a magical kingdom in a town called Kissimmee, but is really part of Orlando, to celebrate life in the presence in the source of life: Jesus♥
We stayed at the Pop Century resort. Here come the visuals; get ready:
The view from our balcony of the pool.

Then after getting settled in our third floor room at the castle known to mere peasants as the Pop Century resort, we took some iconic pics around the grounds of the castle:

Trying hats at the resort gift shop:

LMAO, I love my mom♥

Afterwards, we relaxed by the pool. Here's me and my sister:

Me looking hawt♥

And then it started to rain so we got ready to leave but here's a funny pic taken by the pool:

After eating some ah-mazing Flipper's pizza and salad we departed to the kingdom; the Magic Kingdom. Before we left to go to the kingdom, I kept feeling insecure about how I looked and my outfit.
We arrived at the Kingdom and I got to see my favorite Christian singer of all-time, Francesca Batistelli in concert♥
Here's what she looked like from where I was in the crowd:

After the concert, we rode some rides together.
Here's me and Barbie(Jayde) on the Buzz Lightyear ride:

Then, the emperor Zerg put us in jail:

I really wanted to meet my future husband so I wore this shirt:

Then as if God wanted to erase all the insecurities I had before going to the Kingdom, I was in line for the Peter Pan ride and this guy stood and waited for me to round the corner, and as I did, he shouted so everyone on the ride could hear: "She likes church boys. Yeah, buddy!" It was super cute and made me feel beautiful again. Thank God for church boys, you know what I'm saying. ;-) And if you are that boy and you happened to find this blog on the internet, message me your digits on Facebook. My facebook link is in the bottom right corner of this site. :D
Anyway, we went from there to ride It's a Small World aka the happiest cruise to ever set sail♥

After we rode some rides, my sisters and my mom and I split up. My mom and I went to see Matthew West and Sidewalk Prophets in concert while my sisters went to ride more rides.
While watching Matthew West in concert and then even more with Sidewalk Prophets, I felt God speaking to me through the songs the artists were singing and I realized something. I forgot what it meant to have faith. With all that I went through the past two weeks, I was judging my happiness on temporal worldly things when I have Jesus Christ as my lord and savior and a joy that never ends living in my heart. Always remember: Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world(1 John 4:4)♥ That's why I always say: Feelings Deceive; Faith Believes♥
My mindset has now been changed from this weekend and I really must thank my mom again for taking us to this life-changing celebration and of course, ALL thanks goes to Jesus for giving me the strength I forgot I had. :)
Our tale concluded at Cracker Barrel where we filled our faces joyously:

Until next time, here's some words from the song "The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets:

Be strong in the Lord♥
Never Give up Hope♥
You're going to do great things; I already know♥
God's got His hand on you so don't live life in fear♥
Forgive and forget, but don't forget WHY you're here♥
Take your time and pray♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
P.S. My sister and I have a new video up on Youtube from last weekend when she came to visit me at Leo before we decided to go home. Check it on our youtube channel: www.youtube.com/threefloridasisters