Since I've been studying Albanian, I made my Dad Albanian cookies. Here's a VLOG about the process:
Here is an edible picture as even more proof that I finally baked and it worked out well:
In case you've been wondering how I've been and/or praying for me, I have been much better. I found an article where it gave supplements that specifically help with an overactive thyroid and now I rarely have any pain and any stomach upsets. Thank God! Not long until I go to the endocrinologist. :D
Furthermore, this weekend was Street League and I'm happy to announce that P-Rod not only won the X-Games this month but he also won this weekend in Phoenix! Congrats P-Rod :)
Lastly, I'm excited to go back to school. I've started pricing my belongings and counting down for school. I'll miss my new puppy Hazel and my best friend Geniveve:
I sometimes miss my sisters and I being this close. It's sad how people change and grow apart. Even family.
Until next time, remember: Your time with God is the foundation for everything else in your life.♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~