Anyway, Tuesday was the New BEST day of my life! My friend Ryan came back to cyberspace and I found out thatthe video campaign I made won the Sheckler Foundation most creative campaign contest. :D Yay! Thank you Ryan for choosing my video. :)
Then, on Wednesday, things got weird. I thought the Sheckler Foundation was going to post my video and letting people know I won but they decided to just post the Top 3 photos and post that I won in a comment. Talk about giving credit where credit is due. I'm still confused as to why whenever I win one of their contests they keep it a secret but when other people win other contests, they announce those. :?
Thursday, I got an extreme summer tan. :)
Friday, I worked out and then had a subway foot long that was poorly made while watching Friday Night Lights and Degrassi.
Yesterday, I ran errands with my mom which is always fun cuz me and my mom are besties! :D
Today, the plans are to tan some more...

Get a chili cheese foot long...

Stuff my face at Dairy Queen...

Spend time with family(well minus Jamie)...

Accomplished everything for today. :)
Before I leave you with a final thought, I must mention that Project Birthday Letter isn't working out as well as I hoped so far but I will leave it in God's hands and I know that it will work out better than expected.♥
Until next time, you want to be a TRUE rebel? READ YOUR BIBLE. Nobody's doing that.♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~