Final thought on Easter that I found this morning while reading my Bible, "If you walk around with your nose in the air, you're going to end up flat on your face, but if you're content to be simply yourself, you will become more than yourself." Luke 18:14♥
Anywho, Geniveve's bday was Friday. She turned 11 and this year I went all out on her gift:

This year for Geni's bday we took her to Honeymoon Island's dog beach. She fell in love. I mean, I guess it was bound to happen considering she lives in Florida and she has the soul of a skate/surf dog.
Here's the beach bum herself:

Geni took her first swim in the Gulf:

Beside the fact that it was Good Friday and my mom had a semi-stigmata experience after she went to chase our umbrella after it just up and blew away, she landed on a patch of sandspurs and had them all digging into the bottom of her feet and she still might have splinters in the bottom of her feet. Then, she felt like Jesus did when he carried the cross when she carried all our stuff to the car. She felt humbled to somewhat feel what Jesus did.
Other than that, we had a beautiful day and enjoyed spending time with our pride and joy Geniveve.
Here's a shot of the beach:

Here's the beach babes:

Without further ado, here's a video of our fun adventure:
Unitl next time, here's something that spoke to my soul yesterday when I was listening to Lauryn Hill's When It Hurts So Bad, "What you want might make you cry and what you need might pass you by if you don't catch it. What you need, ironically, will turn out what you want to be; if you just let it.- Lauryn Hill" ♥
I can vouch that the last two weeks taught me that this is true. :)
Two days left to the semester. Next week I will be posting the ten things I learned my sophomore year at Saint Leo. Look for it!
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
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