1. This is Country Music by Brad Paisley

I've always liked Brad Paisley but this album was somewhat of a let down because a lot of the songs were too country for me. haha. Yet, the songs I did like were:
1. This is Country Music
2. Remind Me w/ Carrie Underwood
3. Working on A Tan
4. Love Her Like She's Leavin'
5. Toothbrush
6. Be The Lake
7. New Favorite Memory
8. Don't Drink The Water
2. Lecrae vs. Lil Wayne
Most of you know, I've grown to have a soft spot for Lil Wayne. Well, I can honestly tell you that the soft spot has diminished. Other than How to Love,

I no longer like Lil Wayne's raps. His guest raps are ok but I've become a HUGE Lecrae supporter.
Rehab by Lecrae

I love Christian music and when I found out about Christian hip-hop, I just couldn't get enough because unlike secular hip-hop that has no real message and rants and raves about having sex with multiple women, smoking weed, drinking, clubbing, and obsessed with bragging about how much material things they own, Christian hip-hop has hard hitting beats but Jesus is the topic in every rap. I much prefer that, sorry.
3. Sorry For Party Rocking by LMFAO

LMFAO is back and Better than ever! The first single of this album Party Rock Anthem rocketed them onto mainstream radio and songs that are overplayed. This is definitely the perfect soundtrack to any dance party.
Other songs I like on here:
1. Sexy and I know It!
2. Champagne Showers
3. One Day
4. Take It To The Hole
5. Best Night
6. With You
7. Hot Dog
4. My World Accoustic by Justin Bieber

Just in case you didn't see my earlier summer blogs, I love Justin Bieber. This is a great compilation for any Belieber to own because it really shows Justin's natural singing voice.
My favorite Bieber songs are Favorite Girl and Common Denominator, just so you know.
5. When The Sun Goes Down by Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is just so adorable and her songs are infectious. On this album, I like 3 songs and they are Love You Like A Love Song, Bang Bang Bang, and When The Sun Goes Down.
Check them out but beware! They will get stuck in your head.
6.4 by Beyonce

I absolutely love the whole record because it's all love songs and being that I'm at a similar point in my life, I can really relate. My favorite is Countdown but you should definitely listen to this album. :)
7. All of You by Colbie Caillat

Colbie Caillat is an incredible singer-songwriter. This album is just another piece of evidence to attest to that statement. Also, I'm excited because I just found out Colbie Caillat will be coming to the Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, FL on tour so I really hope I can go see her. (Mom, we need to order them tickets.)
8. Like em All by Jacob Latimore

I saw this guy on So Random! and ever since, I am just obsessed with this song. So cute♥
9. My Girl by Mindless Behavior

This song reminds me of me and my boo♥ Plus it's really cute. :)
Ok, down to business. Time to tell you what I learned this summer. Here goes:
1. Celebrate Life♥

I'm an optimist. That much should be obvious about me. You can treat me so harshly and I will still run to you with my tail wagging because I believe in unconditional love. With that being said, I always try to find an excuse to celebrate life because life is but a leave blowing in the wind. Here today, gone tomorrow so you should celebrate everything you can. For example, the above picture is from my Mom's bday celebration at A &W Root Beer. Celebrating life is different from drinking until you puke or blackout. That's just plain stupid and if that's your idea of a celebration, you are really dumb, fo real.
2. Learn something new♥

This summer I learned how to cook dinner. It was a very beneficial lesson because I not only learned how to cook a whole meal myself, I can now cook for others as well. The picture you see above was last night's dinner that I cooked all by myself: Shrimp Stir Fry. It was delicious. :)
3. Do something daring

I always like to change up my appearance and just getting a summer tan wasn't enough. I've always wanted to put purple in my hair because it's my fave color and I've always liked the edgy bold look. Here I am. I did it and it makes me feel like I can conquer the world because now I feel like I look like Super Girl♥
4. With God All Things Are Possible♥

I've always been afraid to drive and this summer God dealt with me about that fear and helped me overcome it. Now, I can officially say that I am a licensed driver. So, I can now claim victory over other things in my life such as my love life and my finances. God is faithful and has already overcome the world. (John 16:33)♥
5. Always look your best.
This Monday for my license I dressed to impress and I don't know if it was because I was wearing heels but I just felt like an adult. I even didn't want my mom to follow me around Saint Leo's campus when I came to visit.
Speaking of the best, you should fan the BEST page on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chelsea-DeVries/198705596855877?sk=wall I figured it would be more professional to have one page for all my books then a page for each individual book I release because I plan on releasing many... :)
6. Be Yourself

I am never fake. I am always 100% real. I pride myself on being that way because there is no reason to be fake. Yet, it's the newest trend to be a fake friend and stab people in the back. Not me. I'm always going to be 100% goofy, dorky, nerdy, smart, real, beautiful me♥
7. Get Your Rest
There is nothing in the world like sleep. It's like transporting to another place and time where you get to be with the one you love whenever you close your eyes. Also, sleep is necessary to live. And yes, I do look like this when I sleep:

And yes, I typically sleep with a smile on my face.
I'd say it was a productive summer. Heading to Leo Sunday to move in for my junior year.
Until next time, don't just live life...leave a legacy♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~