Before I write you about the books I've read this summer, you should see a visual from the fun I had this week when I reunited with my longtime friend from high school and biggest fan, Cindy.
Here ya go:

We had a manuscript pizza party to celebrate the final draft of my manuscript of my future bestseller being complete! We had a blast.
Speaking of books, I've read 11 so far this summer that I thought were worthy of mentioning so without further ado, let me get on that.
1. Nancy Drew and The Clue of the Black Keys by Carolyn Keene

Nancy Drew has always been the heroine I've always aspired to be. Blonde, attractive, smart, courageous, strong, and very ambitious. As a kid, I was so obsessed with all the Nancy Drew mystery stories. This summer I wanted to read a few books from my childhood to see if my taste changed and I didn't like them anymore. Not in the case of Nancy Drew. What I did find though was that when I was a kid, I refused to read the books at night because they would creep me out but this time I read the book and it wasn't scary at all. It still kept me on the edge of my seat, though. The funniest thing about choosing this book was that I just checked it out randomly from the public library because I wanted to read one of the mysteries I didn't get to read as a child and this one happened to take place in Miami, Florida so the 10 year old Chelsea inside still believed that Nancy was in the same state as her solving mysteries as she was reading. As we grow up, we change but some things about us will always stay the same.
2. The Giver by Lois Lowry

This was my favorite book as a kid. Well, one of my favorites, anyway. As a kid, I was surprised I could like a book like this because I never liked science fiction much, even as a child. Yet, this book was more than science fiction to me. I was there with Jonah throughout the whole story and it wasn't just a story to me. As I said before, the characters in books become your friends when you're a child.
When I read it this time around, it was as if I was reuniting with a friend I hadn't seen in ten years and his story was just as real to me as the first time I read it.
3. Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

This is my favorite story of all time, hands down. There is something so enticing about the thought of not growing up and living with fairies and mermaids forever. It's like being stuck in a time warp forever. Peter Pan just happens to be the boy that gets stuck in this time warp. Another reason I really enjoy this story so much is because it's a love story between young Peter and the young girl Wendy who is about to turn thirteen and must decide whether she is going to grow up or stay a child forever. The Universal Studios movie adaption of this story is the best that I've seen because it brings the love story element of the story to life. One thing is for sure. No matter my age, I've decided I'm never growing up!
4. When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy

I've read about ten books so far in my teen years about Christians and dating, and still felt unsatisfied. I knew there had to be a book out there that would satisfy this emptiness in not understanding why God had me wait all these years to attain my perfect mate. This book solved it. It was by far one of the best books I ever read all around, and I've read a ton of books. It made it clear to me why God has me saved and the true meaning of dating in Christ,etc. The reason I liked this book so much is because it just didn't give me a bunch of steps and say, "This is how you pray for a mate, this is how you wait for God, etc. " This book was written by a husband and wife who lived out the steps they were explaining in the book. Another thing I liked about this book is that it fundamentally held that a relationship with God is more important than the religion you choose. One thing I know, for sure: "True Love Waits."♥
5. When God Writes Your Life Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy

I liked this book, don't get me wrong. Yet, I probably shouldn't have read it directly after reading When God Writes Your Love Story because they don't compare to each other. This is a powerful book full of revelation that I did utilize. For example, this book taught me how to come before God and write my statement of my life purpose. Other than that, this book is more for people who don't know what their purpose in life is and how to find it. I guess in my case, I just benefited more from the book about love because that was what I needed revelation the most on this summer.
6.Dr. Colbert's "I Can Do This!" Diet

I bought this book in January of this year and finally had the time to sit down and read it.
In really got me thinking more about what I'm eating, not so much to lose weight but more to prolong my life.
Starting August 6, I'm cutting all bad foods out of my diet. If they have no nutritional value, I'm rarely going to eat them. And no worries, I'm not just saying that.
I signed a contract before God so I have no excuse now.
7. Get Fit and Live by Dr. Don Colbert and Kyle Colbert

This was the companion book that came with "I Can Do This!" so I read it after finishing the nutrition book because this book is more of an exercise book. I liked it because it has nutritional information, general information about exercising, and workouts and stretches. It even has stretches to better your posture. I definitely recommend both of these books.
8. Sugar and Spice by Lauren Conrad

I remember when I found out Lauren Conrad published her first novel, L.A. Candy. I was pretty surprised because I just thought she was another one of those idiots from an MTV show with no motivation and drive, and no concept of reality. I was wrong about her. She's actually attractive and ambitious. She has a clothing line, she writes novels, and she even published a Style guide. Hey, if you have knowledge in an area, you might as well share it. I was also super surprised to find that she's an amazing novelist. Her books are low-level reads but they sure keep your interest. Sugar and Spice was the third installment in the L.A. Candy trilogy and I found it to be an excellent, but bittersweet conclusion. Recently there was confirmation that Conrad renewed her contract with HarperCollins for another three book installment. Can't wait!
9. You by Charles Benoit

I'll admit, I'm typically skeptical to read books with a male main character because males don't usually dwell on all the lovely details of any romance that occurs in their story. Yet, this book was amazing. It kept me so caught up in the story, I didn't want to put it down. I finished this book in four days. It was an easy read but very high interest. Very suspenseful and the ending was so artistic. OMG! haha. It really appealed to the writer in me, if you must know. It definitely makes me want to try my hand at writing a suspense novel.
10. The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks

I must admit that the only reason I decided to read this book was NOT because it was by Nicholas Sparks. I decided to read this book solely because Zac Efron is going to star in the movie adaption of this novel. Therefore, while I was reading, I could picture Zac as the main character and it just made me want to see the movie more. I read most of this book in one day, it was that good. Not to mention, I had the large print version which was 524 pages long so that's quite a feat for me to read a book that size in one day. I definitely think you should read the book before the movie comes out. I believe the movie comes out at the end of this year if not, early next year.
11. Shutout by Brendan Halpin

By the size of this novel, I knew I would finish it in a day. Sure enough, I did. Yet, it had nothing to do with the size. It had everything to do with the plot of this story. It's about two girls who have been best friends forever and both play soccer. They are starting high school, and one of them gets placed on the varsity squad while the other gets placed on junior varsity. It's an interesting story and if you want to know how it plays out, you should read it.
I am currently reading both
Mostly Good Girls by Leila Sales

and Angel Wars by Stephen Quayle

When I finish both of these books, I will blog about them.
Until next time, Sometimes you just need to be with the person who makes you smile, even if it means waiting.♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
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