Every year I wake up on my birthday at around or at my birth time of 8:37 a.m. This year that didn't fail because I woke up at exactly 8:38 a.m. and just like every year, I wake up, look at the clock, wish myself happy bday, thank God for another year, and go back to sleep for another 30 min or an hour.
And as if being another year older on this beautiful planet isn't blessing enough, God always grants me a dream that is so visual and realistic.
Then, my best friend wished me the happiest of bdays upon waking.♥
After breakfast and going to Sam's Club and tanning, I came home and reunited with tv shows from when I was young: 90's Nick on TeenNick. 90's was one of the best eras ever for growing up in. Just saying.
The person I love the dearest wished me a happy bday and then I talked to Sarah. While on the phone with Sarah, my sister surprised me with birthday balloons:

Then, my mom decided she wanted to take me to IHOP for a birthday dinner. Before we left, we took some bday photos. Here's some visuals to suit your creeping peepers:

And me and Jizz Tizz:

Here I am at IHOP:

Me trying not to pose, but still posing:

And me laughing at Jamie and Jayde giving me a pedo look, lmao:

I came home and watched SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE then logged into Facebook where I was greeted by over 60 people wishing me Happy Bday but to me they weren't just Happy Bday posts. They were mini love letters from friends I doubted I had.♥ Thanks to all who made this bday one of the BEST!
Yes, I started tearing up after reading all the nice things people wrote but hey, it's my bday and I can cry if I want to. Lol.
After this, my family served me Twix Pie(my fave bday cake) and sang me happy bday:

Here's me blowing out my candles and taking in faith what I desire most, and Geniveve mugging in the background:

My sisters gave me highlarious gifts this year; a cockpop and scented condoms:

Again, a BIG HUGE HUG of a thank you to all who showed me they cared that I was brought to the world 20 years ago on August 4th this year! LOVE each and every one of you.
Stay tuned for my next blog about the second half of my 20th bday and my review of each of the tv shows I watched this summer!
Speaking of watching, I watched this movie finally:

Tomorrow I'm doing a Youtube video with my sister. That's always a blast!
Until next time, Life's a party so get up and dance it away!<---Original quote by me♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless
~Just Keep Swimming~
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