I put off writing this blog because I was hoping I would be able to blog about the fact that Saint Leo gave me additional financial aid and I am all registered for my last semester but instead, I still haven't heard from them....which is only making me start to feel helpless.
I mean what a great Christmas gift would that have been?
Speaking of Christmas, let me tell you about it.
This year, even though I had a bill for school, I decided to put my faith into action and give gifts to my immediate family only and picked my four closest friends and sent them Christmas cards. Basically, in total, my gifts for everyone including my dogs cost me less than $100. It was my cheapest most financially responsible Christmas yet. Yet, this only meant that my gifts had to be really thought out.
My parents had a rough year financially so they only bought us calendars and one gift each.
My sister Jayde bought everyone a lottery scratch off. I lost.
My sister Jamie bought herself presents and bought my mom a present.
In case you didn't know Christmas is my favorite holiday for two reasons: It's my boy Jesus' birthday and it's the season of giving and I love Jesus and giving equally. I decided that instead of dwelling on my dire circumstances, I was going to enjoy a happy, healthy holiday with my family so I did♥
After eating dinner and Katrina getting a visit from her dad Dakota who brought each dog a present, we had cookies and watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. We usually watch A Christmas Story on Christmas Eve every year but this year, we tried something new.
We slept in until 11:45 and then woke up and opened our presents.
Then came time for me to pass out my presents:
I gave Jamie: her favorite movie Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging
I gave Jayde: one of her Top five favorite movies: Perks of Being A Wallflower
I gave my dad: a DVD of five Three Stooges episodes (we always watched it together when I was little)
I gave my mom: a new alarm clock and Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer
I gave Geniveve: a box of cookies (her favorite), a bag of treats, and new shampoo that smells like Apricot. (It's like Victoria Secret for dogs lol)
I gave Hazel: a new toy that was leopard print and a bag of treats
I gave Katrina: a bed with a blanket and a bag of beef jerky (her favorite)
My babies are spoiled...they know Chelly loves them.
All in all, it was a great Christmas!
I'm just going to keep positive confessions about my schooling knowing that, "I believe God and will see His glory." You should make this your confession too in 2014 because it will keep your faith strong despite any storm that comes your way.
God knows I really WANT to go back to school so only by God's grace and favor, I believe it will happen.
At least at school, I have a comfortable bed and my own room. I even have a free-flowing shower at school. Basically, at school I live the good life, and I think I took it for granted all these years but coming home, I can see how good I have it when I'm away from home and I really just want to go back. There are other reasons why I don't like staying home for too long but I feel they are too personal to publicize them.
The other night I was watching the news and they mentioned, Justin Bieber's unconfirmed retirement from show business but the news media didn't know if it was true because "there has been no comment from Bieber's publicist." I heard that and a spark enveloped my chest and I got that "butterflies in your stomach" feeling similar to be excited to see that special someone. I guess you can say I'm excited to start my future as a continued author and a publicist. I just hope Saint Leo doesn't deny me my dream's completion.
Hey, it's almost the end of the year, which means that I will be blogging about my top five favorite Youtube videos for 2013 (a new thing I'm going to start) and also about what I resolve to do in 2014. Yet, it's also a good time to get those tax write-offs and donate to a good cause like the charities featured under the DONATE NOW section to your right or by helping someone you know finish school. :)
Before I leave you with a final thought, here's a funny outtake of Hazel's Christmas picture and my breakfast the first Sunday I was home from college:
Until next time remember, "As for me, I will always have hope.-Psalm 71:14"
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
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