started my job at the library. I absolutely love it. I practically get paid to check my Facebook, and you know check out books, check in books, keep the coffee brewing, and shelf books. I am so blessed to have found a job that I love. I should have known books were my calling...hello, writer? :P
I absolutely love when Saint Leo decides to give me a rather generous financial refund. Since I believe people are blessed to bless someone else, I took $100 of my blessing seed and sowed it into the Sheckler Foundation. I know my boy Sheckler will do good things with it. :) As a thank you, I am promised a limited edition Sheckler Foundation Ryan Sheckler Red Bull Hat signed by Ryan himself.
Did I mention living the life of Chelly is grand?!
as if those two blessings were not enough, God has shown me how much my dream guy does love me and how we are meant to be together and how former Naked Guys and Buzzes were lessons learned but not destined to be my forever and always.♥
Wrote two poems on my poemhunter entitled Meant To Be and From The Heart. You should read both of them. Please and thank you. :)
The best blessing, though I received yesterday was watching my good friend, Ryan Sheckler win Favorite Male Athlete at the KCA 2010. I told him 2010 was going to be the year, so far I believe I'm right! :D Congratz Ryan!

Until next time, live your life and claim your victory! :D
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~