Teenage Author stuck in Reality... I still am in awe of how blessed I am. One thing I learned yesterday was that "faith takes and receives."
So Monday, I did my presentation and it went really well. Everyone was impressed with me and the round of applause I got was nice and loud. Safe to say I rocked it. Even my professor thought so. Got my grade for it on Friday and I got an A. :D
Loving my job. This is my last week of work unless I get employed somewhere close to home this summer. God will provide!
I finished all my hw for the rest of the semester except I have a final on Friday in Econ. Not looking forward to it but once I'm done with that class I will feel accomplished. :)
Still have a creeper but what is a girl to do. I have no control over people and how they seem to always be wherever I happen to be. I'm not really bothered by him anymore. I know because God has revealed to me that the man I love loves me back. :) I have no more doubts, worries or fears. :D God's will always works out to perfection.♥
Friday night, I had Cute Is What We Aim For's The Lock-down Denial stuck in my head. Thanks to Ryan Sheckler, I found a new band to obsess about: MGMT. You should check em out, foos.
Yesterday, spent an hour by the pool. Then, after dinner my friends and I spent an hour at the docks. Every day I am still in awe how gorgeous Saint Leo Campus actually is. Mom, if your reading this,I have the perfect place for next year's spring photos. :)
Woke up today on my last Sunday spent at Leo to a rainy morning meaning my pool plans were ruined but God blessed me with a few more hours of a peaceful sleep where I dreamt that I saw Jonny Lang in concert at Ruth Eckerd Hall. Guess my subconscious is just as excited as I am for that next month! Me and my dad are gonna have a killer time! :D :D :D
Looking forward to this last full week at Leo! Then, my bestest friend Geniveve Rosalynn turns 10 on Thursday April 22 so the plan is to surprise her this weekend...no one is supposed to tell her that I am going to be home this weekend.
I also cannot wait for her to see the gifts that I am giving her!
Then, 2 and a half days at Leo and I'm out for the summer♥
Heck yes!
I hope all of you are still voting for Sheckler, remember just keep voting: www.refresheverything.com/shecklerfoundation
Until next time, in the words of Miley Cyrus: "Let's have the time of our lives!"
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming!~