My life has become a realistic fiction novel... I turned nineteen on Wednesday but my bday week started out great.
On Monday, I got my Etnies Sheckler backpack for school.
Nothing spectacular happened on Tuesday but Wednesday the party was in full swing.
My best friend was the first person to wish me happy bday as it should be! I freakishly woke up at 8:37 a.m. (aka the time I was born) and looked at the clock then went back to sleep. Then, my dad left me a voice mail on my cell of him singing happy bday. I saw a rainbow and a butterfly at 10:26 a.m. :D
For my bday, I got a haircut and my mom took me to Dairy Queen with my sisters of course. Here's some illustrations:

Me and my sis Jayde.

And another one. :)

Yummy Blizzard!

Family Time is fun time!
Then on Friday, I got a package from Ryan Sheckler for winning that video contest for the Sheckler Foundation. Check out the goodies I got:

What's weird is that I got my bday prayer: the package from Ryan was postmarked on my bday so in a way I got all that I wanted for my bday! :)
Here's a few of me modeling the shirt and hat!
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

And Exhibit C:

Then, on Saturday I went shopping for back to school clothes. I stuck to my budget in each store I visited and yes, if you were at the NPR Kohl's yesterday and you saw some nerdy chick with clothes in one hand and a calculator in the other that was me. :P
After shopping, I went cosmic bowling with my mom and my sisters. While we were bowling, they played my forever jam "Sexyback" by JT. :D Then, I bowled a strike. :)

Our kicks are kewler than yours. :P

My sis Jayde.
My sis Jamie and I:
My mom and I:

Here's me cosmic bowling. Do you see why they call it that? It looks all futuristic.

After bowling, we had twix pie. Here's a visual:

Here's the Twix pie on fire(jk that's the candles):

In case your interested: Here's the recipe.

Here's the bday girl and her dad(Pardon the fact that the picture is red, we are just learning how to use my new camera).

Overall, I had a very BLESSED bday. Oh but before I leave you with a final thought, Geniveve had a small photoshoot with the Ryan hat because she has a contract with Ryan Sheckler industries and all. :P Well, all I had to do was put the hat on Geni's head and tell her I'm sending the picture to Ryan and she poses. That's my best friend for ya. :)

And one more:

I'm sure you feel me when I say that Geniveve is the cutest G I ever met. :D
Until next time, Enjoy each bday. Life is too short. Count your blessings.
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming!~