Don't be a wallflower in the dance of life...
1. My middle name is Lynn♥
2. My best friend is my dog Geniveve♥
3. I have two sisters Jayde and Jamie. They are 15 months apart.
4. My mom is one of my best friends♥
5. My dad drives a truck now but before I was a figment in his imagination, he worked for the NY Giants for two years.♥
6. My mom used to be a professional chef but before that she did modeling when she was 18 and 19.♥
7. My parents are from North Jersey. That's where all my relatives live.♥
8. I was named after the area of NY with my same name.♥
9. I feel it's my destiny to live in NY not just because of the above fact but because it's the city of Dreams. They have Broadway, most publishing companies are housed in NY, and accounting is a pretty BIG DEAL there, as well.♥
10. My favorite colors are purple and red but I don't have a dislike for any color.♥
11. I love to learn. I would read every book ever written about any subject just because I love to soak up knowledge and be able to talk about it at random times. ♥
12. I LOVE to write. If this were a perfect world, I would solely be a writer. Hopefully one day, I can solely be a writer.♥
13. My allergies seem to act up the most in the morning so therefore I tell people I am allergic to mornings♥
14. I used to have trouble sleeping at night because I used to drink too much coffee so I used to eat pumpkin seeds before bed to make me sleepy. I still do if I can't sleep.
15. I love coffee and tea but if I had to choose one, I would pick coffee only because tea is more mellow whereas coffee gives you an instant buzz. My favorite type of coffee is a latte with three sugars but I can drink it any way, really.
16. If coffee and tea didn't exist, I would OD on Redbull. That shit gives you wings, fo rizzle♥
17. My dad was adopted so I don't know all nationalities I really am. I have a feeling I am Italian because I love Italian food so much and I have dark hair all over my body. Let's just put it this way: If I don't shave, you would notice.
18. I am actually Polish from my mom's side so I have really fair skin. Luckily, this summer I spent tanning and have now adjusted my skin to tanning without burning first. :)♥
19. The 90's will always will be the BEST generation to ever BE. Hands down.♥
20. I was raised Catholic but converted to Christianity because Catholicism felt cult like whereas Christianity in its pure form is about a continuous relationship with Jesus based on the Bible♥
21. I was a dancer for eight years when I was young. I did Ballet for eight and tap for seven♥
22. I also studied percussion in middle school in 6th and 7th grade so I know how to play the drums and the keyboard. I've always wanted to be a drummer for a cool rock band even though I have yet to play on a drum set. Maybe when I move to NY this will happen. ♥
23. Because I studied dance, I've always had a love for music, theatre, and dance. As a kid, I always dreamed of being on Broadway or being a pop star. I love to sing and people tell me I'm pretty good but I have never taken a lesson in my life.♥
24. My favorite singer/songwriter of all time is Demi Lovato. I also think she's a great actress. She inspires me every day and one of my life goals is to meet her/befriend her♥
25. I once liked a boy who was born only six minutes before me at 8:31 a.m. on August 4, 1991 ♥
26. I've liked 30 plus guys in my lifetime but I can honestly say I've only ever been in love with one Albanian by the last name Nikac. The saddest thing is we fit together like fire and ice, at the end of the day we only put the other out. If he is reading this now, he should know I forgive him for everything and wish him the best, no matter what♥
27. I am friends with Ryan Sheckler, the professional skateboarder and MTV star. He's met my whole family even my dog. We correspond by mail and over Twitter. He's a very nice guy and extremely chill. The only way I can explain how I became friends with him is that: God is AWESOME♥
28. I was an extra in a movie starring Ryan Sheckler called Street Dreams. It was filmed at the Skatepark of Tampa in 2006 and my sisters and I ended up getting in it. ♥
29. Beside NY, I've always wanted to own a place in California. I find the state and its culture to be beautiful♥
30. Though I do not skate, I LOVE everything skateboarding or surf related. I am a true Floridian in that sense.♥
31. I cannot stand FAKE people because I am 100% real. I cannot fake laugh, fake smile, or fake anything. I mean I can act but that's different. I do not have a fake bone in my body so it baffles me when people have to act so plastic.♥
32. Besides writing and reading, I really enjoy making Youtube videos with my sister Jamie, and sometimes Jayde.♥
33. Even though I do not consider myself an athlete, I still love to workout and my favorite workout is Pilates. The whole reason my body looks the way it does is because I did dance when I was younger, I've been doing Pilates since I was 12, I've had decent guns since I was 13 but didn't take weightlifting until I was a senior in high school♥
34. My all-time favorite love story is Peter Pan and Wendy's but I also am a sucker for Noah and Allie's of The Notebook♥
35. I love comedies over any other type of movie but I also like action, adventure, family, and romantic movies. Horror or scary movies are out completely.♥
36. I am psychic. I see dead people and I dream of things that eventually happen. Have since I was 12. Yes, it's creepy but I would miss it if I didn't know about this gift I have. Also, I see things during waking hours about people if they are thinking of me. It's almost if I communicate with people telepathically through their emotions and thoughts♥
36. If I had to say what my type is, I would say white males (although recently I've gone for Albanians) who are mostly older than me by 2 or 3 years who love Jesus. Other than that, I would say a guy whose physically fit, confident in who he is in Christ, has a sense of humor, loves to laugh and make me laugh, cares about his family, is kindhearted and looks for the good in people, and likes all the music I do♥
37. I was born premature at three pounds eight ounces♥
38. I have gross toes or at least I dislike my toes♥
39. I have never been kissed and I am 20 years old. I'm saving both my kiss and my heart for the man who deserves them because he can see my absolute beautiful worth and he cherishes that♥
40. I scrapbook fortune cookie fortunes and the nice things people write me on Facebook and Twitter because when I feel like I have no reason to live, I remember that my living now not only affects me but others as well.♥
41. I want both Celine Dion and Demi Lovato to sing at my wedding. I've had my wedding song picked out since I was 12. It's a girl thing.♥
42. I am a winner. I've entered contests last minute and won about five or six of them in my life. I am always winning freebies from magazines and stuff. I'm truly blessed.♥
43. My dream car is a Purple Porsche. I want to pay for one in full one day in my lifetime.♥
44. Even though I love being social and I am a very friendly person, I tend to hang out alone because I've just gotten used to it since that's how I grew up. My sisters were too young to do things since they were 4 and 5 years younger than me, and I just started learning to have fun on my own so yes, I don't mind being alone♥
45. I've been single my whole life. I've never actually had a boyfriend that lasted more than a month so I don't count any of them♥
46. I've come to the conclusion that I am an ah-mazing young lady with a smokin' bod and I will no longer look for will find me♥
47. Though I have never dated or gotten physical with a boy, I know a lot about relationships and what it feels like to be in love and for someone to love you back.♥
48. One day I'm going to be famous♥ I will use my fame to better the world and live to bring the good news of Jesus to everyone I meet along the way. I will pull a Justin Bieber all day every day.♥
49. If I could marry any celebrities, I would hope to marry Justin Bieber or Sean Malto. Don't ask just accept♥
50.If I want to leave any type of legacy on this Earth, I hope that people will remember me as the girl with the heart of gold who was there for them asking nothing in return. I also hope people remember all the funny things I say and publish a book of all my funny quotes because I am high-larious and it should become a NYT bestseller and fill the world with warmth, hope, and love♥
If you guys want to know more about me, just comment below and I will do more posts like these.
Until next time, haters can't see me, nosebleed seats and today I went shopping and talk is still cheap-Lil Wayne♥
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~