Personally, I thought I would be out of college by now but medical, emotional, and financial circumstances basically played an adverse role in that happening other than the fact that I changed my major from Accounting to Marketing. Speaking of marketing, today while doing my homework, I learned how to make a logo. Here is mine for my current marketing project:
I basically thought I would be a pretty popular author by now. I mean at fifteen, I published my first novel with hopes that it would lead to instant stardom but because I took the quick route and didn't really think it through, it didn't happen. Why? My writing just wasn't strong enough for industry standards at that point. Does it mean I'm not meant to be a writer? Heck no. Writers just like any other profession get better with age and experience. I can fully say that my writing is way better now than it was then.
I thought I would be out on my own. I would have my own place, have my own car, be a full-fledge independent woman. Yet, right now, circumstances are extremely dire for me since I do not yet have a job. I still believe that the right job just hasn't discovered me yet and I will not give up the job search no matter what. Yes, it can be hard not to take it personally when I don't even get a call for an interview from places like Wal-mart and Wendys. Yet, it's good for me as a writer to face a little rejection on a daily basis, since I will face a lot of it in my future as a writer. It used to knock me down but now, it literally helps me write so much better. And as far as trying to get a job, it motivates me to come out of my comfort zone a little bit more.
I didn't know originally when I signed the paper that changed my major from accounting to marketing what I even wanted to do in the field since the field is so broad. Thankfully, now I know I want to work in the field of Public Relations and work with public figures and help them manage their image and how the media presents them. I also have a personal agenda to carry out as a publicist and that is to get a law passed so that celebrities face less bullying and harassment from the media until the media has no choice but to become more positive in everything they broadcast and publicize. As a victim of many acts of bullying throughout much of my life, I want to raise my voice for the good of others and those others happen to be those who seem to me have lost a lot of their voice. Celebrities, I believe, are just people like you and me and they don't deserve the treatment they get from the media. Societal norms are majorly shaped by the media so if I can get the media to change, I'm on my way to helping achieve world peace. I don't know about you but that makes me SO excited! I'm also fully prepared for the backlash I will get from trying to get this goal of mine met.
Lastly, by now, I would have thought I would have had at least one boyfriend. Yet, no one worthy of my love has presented themselves yet so instead of letting that get me down, I get excited knowing how hard God is at work on my love story right now. Matter of fact, as a single person, I say this confession every day:
I'm not moved by the fact that I'm single and I haven't met anyone. I know God has already picked out the perfect person for me. God has already ordained someone to come across my path. I am fully persuaded this person is in my future.♥
Yes, I'm not where I want to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be. Can I get an Amen? Need more encouragement? Listen To This. :)
Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!
~Just Keep Swimming~
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