Wednesday, October 25, 2017

#WriterRevelations: What Are You Worth? (Self-Worth)

I know I'm not the only one who has days where you start to lose control of the thoughts and the things that bombard you and your mind. They come in waves and they are creepy crawlies in that you don't detect them at first. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, you are insanely happy about something in your life. Maybe you just lost 15 pounds, you finally conquered a massive fear (this year I conquered driving and riding roller coasters), you just started dating someone, or you just published a book. These are all made up scenarios but it seems like the instant life is going good, the bad thoughts creep in to shake things up from the inside out. And then one day, you look in the mirror and you are confused with how things have gotten so off-course.

Truth is: A true sense of identity and/or self-worth must come from within the inner workings of your spirit being.

Before getting serious, let me give you an actual anecdote from my real life. As you may or may not know, I recently became jobless and recently, my family and I had a very huge falling out. Things were said back and forth that were negative, belittling, shameful, and aimed at cutting me down to size according to the perspective of the person who was saying it.

It made me feel hopeless and broken but I chose to forgive anyway because one truth life has made abundantly clear is that oftentimes, someone cuts you down to size because somewhere along the line, something they dealt with, had to go through, or even a wrong thought pattern made them feel hurt they couldn't bear alone and people handle or hurdle the pain that presents itself to them along the journey of their life.

That's why I chose to forgive because I knew the person or persons words and actions were done out of this handling of pain. They feel like they were unfairly shamed, made to feel small, or even worthless. Yet, they aren't even aware that this isn't the entire truth at all. It's not even partially true because your feelings matter but they don't have any basis in truth.

People work long hours and sacrifice their families to gain the approval of an employer and feel valuable at the office. They get in debt buying clothes, cars and houses hoping somehow those things will make them feel more important.

If you trust in Jesus and made Him your Lord, you've been made the righteousness of God. 
Tweet: But have you ever let his sacrifice settle the nagging question of your self worth? #WriterRevelations: What Are You Worth?

A grandson of a preacher I consider to be my spiritual father says it best:

Tweet: The price paid determines the value. The price paid determines your value. #WriterRevelations What Are You Worth?

Until next time, remember, the price paid determines your value. Forget everything except Jesus!

In Christ Like Love and Confidence,


  1. Just dropping by to say hello, Chelsea. Hope everything's going well with you.

    1. Hello Lux! I am doing very well. I took a month off of blogging to concentrate on my novel and The Smart Cookie Philes. I also got a seasonal job! I hope you are well yourself! :)


Thanks for reading/caring!
