Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 23: Talk about a moment when you got annoyed with a married friend, a person in a relationship, or a person with kids (Be honest! No judgment!)

Happiness is a form of courage...Well, I tend to get annoyed easily when my single friends become no longer single because as soon as they get a boyfriend, I feel like I'm no longer needed or wanted as their friend.

They always choose their boyfriends over me. Not that I blame them entirely but I vow that whenever I finally get into that relationship that I've been waiting my whole life for, I won't forget I have friends. In fact, I will invite them to hang out with my boyfriend and I because a boyfriend or someone you date, in my opinion, is just a glorified friendly friend.

The moment that first came to mind when I seem this prompt on Mandy's 30-Day blog challenge was the time last year when I really wanted to go to the Magic Kingdom with one of my friends and at the very last minute, she decided to go home and be with her boyfriend only because she felt like it wasn't fair to her boyfriend, who had never been to Disney, that she won't get to experience it with him.

Selfishly, I was all like, Hello? What about me? 

Thankfully, I had invited more than one friend to spend the day in the Magic Kingdom with me and we had a blast but I was still bummed that my friend did that to me last minute.

I never ever want to be that clingy of a girlfriend or even a wife, and I don't think I will be simply because I enjoy my alone time as much, if not more, than the time I spend with others.

Love Times Infinity,
God Bless!

~Just Keep Swimming~

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